The Problem, and Our Purpose

Currently, there is an inability to sustainably feed the nation owed to:

  • exponential increases in food prices
  • unsustainable importation of food (TT$ 5.7 billion annually)
  • lack of systematic and well-planned sectoral policies and plans
  • lack of implementation of sectoral policies and plans, and
  • calls for urgent action to address food self-sufficiency in Trinidad and Tobago.

The main purpose of our Agriculture Self-Sufficiency group is to deliver a plan for Trinidad and Tobago to be self-sufficient in food that meets the needs of the domestic market for quality foods.

Our Objectives

  1. To be 30% self-sufficient in quality foods in the next 3 years and 60% in the next 5 years.
  2. To lobby the Government to fulfill infrastructure responsibilities and provide structured, sustainable initiatives including the use of suitable state lands for Agriculture purposes, financing services and training for Farmers and Agro Processors.

Our Strategic Action Plan

To achieve our objectives, below lists our intended plans at a high level:

  1. Develop a national plan for crop and livestock production 
  2. Establish growing zones based on soils, water needs, drainage
  3. Develop infrastructures such as access roads, electricity, and water for farms
  4. Address praedial larceny
  5. Incorporate technology in farming methods to enable improved production and profitability
  6. Establish co-operatives to support farmers
  7. Promote agriculture as a professional business-oriented career and opportunity for employment
  8. Assess the effectiveness of training programs for farmers and agro-processors
  9. Campaign on healthy food choices

How Will We Do It?

Each sector group has an 8-step framework to progress from concept to reality. Below is a high-level overview of the approach. Connect with us to learn more:

Agriculture Self-Sustainability 8-step model

Does This Group Interest You?

We are always searching for talented professionals and persons with a passion for positive change. Click here to connect with our Membership Committee today.